Friday, August 28, 2009

Lets get this Party Started

So, I was at the library yesterday with my kids and was going through some of the isles there looking at the cookbooks and books and thought hey I'll look up a frugal living book, to my surprise there wasn't many. I was sort of disappointed really especially now days with the economy being how it is. So I figured I'd start a little book of sorts of my own online in blog form. So here I am.. In my blog I hope to give lots of frugal tips for moms as well as home remedies and also give some re-purposing ideas for items you may usually throw away. Hopefully I help all you mommies save a little money which makes everyone happy at the end of the day.. I'll hopefully have a tip for the day for you as well so lemme get this party started and get to the tip of the day..

Tip of the Day: Buy block cheese and shred it put it in a zipper freezer bag and freeze it. Only take out what you need when you need it it thaws quickly and your cheese won't go moldy before you use it all. And if it sticks together a little bang on the counter will take care of that.

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